July 15, 2023

The Future of Talent Attraction, Acquisition, and Retention is Here

Nira Aharoni

People and Talent Business Partner at Healthee
July 15, 2023

Healthee’s VP of People, Debbie Sharvit, gives step-by-step instructions for how to write a company culture book that will engage your employees. Here’s a sneak peek:

1. How to position your company culture book for the modern workforce.

2. The 12 steps to writing a company culture book that’s thorough and readable.

3. Suggested reading and inspiration from other organizations.

Filling critical roles in today’s competitive climate is a top challenge facing HR leaders. Fortunately, there are several ways you can attract, hire, and retain those oh-so-coveted and talented workers we call ‘top talent’ (oooo, ahhh, ***sound of clapping***).

Attract and Retain Top Talent With These Talent Attraction and Retention Strategies

Here are five powerful talent attraction strategies hiring managers can use to attract and recruit top talent while the HR team keeps them happy and on board.

1. Improve your health benefits package

Today’s job-seekers expect benefits as part of their offer. So, now’s the time to make sure your health benefits package is better than that of your competitors! It’s not enough just to offer health insurance anymore – health benefits must be accessible to employees.

2. Optimize the candidate journey to recruit top talent

Every candidate you talk to is probably also interviewing with other companies. That means they’re in a prime position to go with the company that has the best recruiting experience. So it might be time to rethink what the recruiting and hiring process is like for those in your talent pipeline.

For a successful talent attraction strategy, take a look at how you can make the interview process easier, faster, and more convenient — if you want to hire new talent before someone else does — from the job description to the interview to the hiring process.

Be transparent about the interview process and give candidates timelines for expected next steps. Also, ask for feedback along the way to make candidates feel like their opinions matter and gain insights on how to improve your interview process.

Plus, conduct training sessions for all interviewers on the hiring team so they understand which questions to ask (and not to ask), and how to sell the role and your organization. Candidates are interested in meeting their future coworkers, so try to involve employees in the interview process when possible.

3. Make your employer branding POP

The recruitment process is a two-way street between your company and candidates. And even though they don’t always think about it this way, it’s not just about you sizing them up…they’re checking you out, too. That’s why your employer branding needs to hit the mark.

You know what they say about first impressions.

Make sure your brand is easy to find on Google and other search engines, and consider adding a careers page on your website where candidates can read current employee testimonials and learn more about your company culture.

4. Embrace the future of remote work

So if your company can offer an option for remote work, it could be good for attracting more talent. In addition to keeping your workforce happy, opening positions up to remote workers can increase your talent pool and help you find more potential candidates who don’t live in your area.

5. Invest in professional development and training

Don’t forget about your current staff when considering how to get talented employees to fall madly in love with your company and stick around! A primary reason so many employees are leaving their current jobs is because they don’t have opportunities to grow and develop.

Companies that invest in training and development keep talented employees around for longer, which means spending less time and money on recruiting and onboarding. Upskilling and re-skilling your workforce is the way to keep talented people on staff so you can continue to benefit from their company knowledge.

Takeaways on winning the war for talent

When is a better time to upgrade recruiting strategies and recruiting processes, explore more creative recruitment options, and optimize talent acquisition?

No time like the present.